Secretary IBC issued a press release today to condemn the illegal act of Islamabad District Administration. An emergent session of the Islamabad Bar Council was convened to condemn the illegal acts of the Islamabad District Administration. Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi, Voice Chairman, Syed Qamar Hussain Shah Sabzwari, Raja M. Aleem Khan Abbasi and Mr. Adil Aziz Qazi, Members, Islamabad Bar Council took strong exception to the illegal acts of the Islamabad District Administration of razing the chambers of the learned Advocates in the midst of night, in the District Courts, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad.
The Islamabad Bar Council demands that the Islamabad District Administration should desist from implementing any illegal designs and forthwith restore the chambers which have been illegally razed. The Learned Advocates taken in custody during the illegal operation by the Islamabad District Administration should also be immediately released.
In case the aforesaid justified demands of the lawyers are not addressed amicably, the legal fraternity will agitate the matter at all forums under the leadership of the Islamabad Bar Council and will not rest till the justified demands of the legal fraternity are redressed amicably.
Illegal acts of the District Administration of razing chambers F-8 Markaz